At its core, that’s what Camp Refuge is all about. It’s in our DNA. 

This morning I had a dream. 
I was sitting in this little girls’ bedroom off to one corner, watching a very sober scene take place. A daddy and his 2 daughters, with backs turned to me, were looking out the bedroom window. The silence was deafening. There was a lot of pain, on both sides. 
At one point, the dad moves back in the room towards the closet by me. And I hear the anguish in his voice as he tells them that he hasn’t seen or heard from them in a year. His heart was crying out for connection. Neither girl responded right away. Eventually, the older girl kinda meanders over to her daddy, where I can see her face now. She at first extends her arms with a begrudging look on her face. But as she wraps her arms around his legs (she’s not very tall, so her hug grabs him just above the knees as he’s standing), she gets this giddy look and tries to squeeze hard enough to make him off balance with the power of her love. The father is undone. The echo of his heart’s longing returned back to him sends waves of hope through the room. 

Why did Abba give me this dream?
I think that same hope still reverberates around me as I write this, and I pray it reaches you where you are reading this as well. 
We at Camp Refuge count it a privilege to witness the miraculous. And we are passionate about seeing relationships strengthened, reconciled, and established. We believe that Jesus is the center of healing for relationships. 
If you are hurting and need a miracle in your relationships, cry out to Daddy for help.  Would you write us so we can partner with you in prayer?

Don’t forget to sign up for our marriage retreat in October if you want an opportunity to strengthen or reconcile your relationship with your spouse! Sign up here

Special focus: Please pray that we would be a safe haven for all people to come and see the relationships with the ones they love most strengthened and reconciled in Jesus’ name!


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